Friday, September 9, 2011

No weeds, no mowing Garden, EVER! ~ Day 65

This is my Fall gardening project... I have NOT been on the couch and eating bon-bons this week! :)

Even my honey will be surprise!( He didn't know I was going to tackle this project!
Just for you, dear to have a better view from our new Master Suite, when you get back.

Since I do all the gardening projects around our cottage, going on 5 years, I finally learned how to create a beautiful yet carefree, low maintaince yard for us to enjoy! ( I am a slow learner! ha!)

We just moved our master suite to this side of the house and boy, did I have a challenge ! A tough spot to create something special.

Mind you, it is still young and not established garden yet but the idea is  to create privacy & a "hidden secret garden" where we can see from our bedroom windows and also to hide an ugly propane tank in view.

I'll just let my pictures do the blogging today! :)

First cut any existing grass down to the lowest level. I use the weedeater.

Rake the site clean

This is IMPORTANT! Cover the yard with black plastic, like paint protection plastic. I've tried all kinds of weed blockers out there, even the most expensive tough commercial weedblocker but this is cheaper & the best to get rid of weeds!!! We live in the country and our weeds are very aggressive.
I  cut the areas where I want my plants to be only. I also laid old concrete pavers from this old house exterior when we put in doors and windows. (I save everything until I find what to do with them.)

Mulch, mulch, mulch and LOTS of mulch! I get my mulch free from the county when they cut down trees and need a place to dump them. I am one of their sites! :)

Remember all those "Knock- Out" roses I brought home from Ohio?  Lots of rose bushes in my secret garden here with one Olive Tea tree in front of the propane tank to cover the unattractive view. Our charming path and mulching are done!

I use truckloads of mulch...especially to protect my plants through winter but also an inexpensive way to cover your plastic,weed defense!
See why I have lots of mulch? 
My no weeds garden! ( I left the right side incomplete until our other renovation is done. Meanwhile the black plastic cover will kill all the weeds & grass underneath until I am ready to do that side next Spring.

Our  better view from inside our bedroon

The lattices are there to hide the propane tank as well as the Olive Tea Tree in front of it will grow and produces the most wonderful fragance in the spring! ( I need my husband to install the lattices later)

The T with green wires used to be our cloth lines. I am keeping them to use as an ivy arbor I planted at that corner to climb up to create that "hidden garden" ivy wall!

A view from our Master bedroom with no propane tank later. Notice, I filled my pavers in with peebles

Honey, this is your view, sitting on your side of the bed! ;)

I hope you picked up a few good ideas for your next gardens. 

Happy Fall Gardening, everyone!

With Love & NO weeds! 


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