Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dealing With Our Hormones

I do visualize and create my life with no stress and peaceful living and I LIVE IT too! :)

I am truly LIVING my happy, simple life on a peaceful surrounding each day and MINDFULLY enjoy it everyday because... I believe it! I covet it! I value it! I cherish it! I protect it!

Okay, so my peaceful life is going perfectly as planned today.  Or is it?
Perhaps, the gently grey rain outside has gotten me to feel so sad today. :( Why? I don't know... 

Inside my cottage is filled with JOY of Christmas music, with our Christmas tree sparkled with delights and the warmth of the fireplace is flaming gently. I drink my green tea and looking out into this wet winter day. My surrounding is PEACE. A perfect setting, yet I feel very sad today.

Don't you hate the uncontrollable hormones attack at times?  I am directing this comment mostly toward the ladies in the 40's and up, going through with all the hormone changes, like myself. 
Others call it "midlife" crisis or menopause, or even depression. Whatever the label is unimportant to me. 

I, mindfully create peaceful boundaries for myself to have a sense of stability during this time of my life with all of my hormone changes. BUT I have NO CONTROL over my hormones as I am going through a medical term called "perimenopause phase of life". It's a fact of life.  I choose to do it naturally without any options and adviced with " prescribed medications" to dull or numb it. It is NOT an illness to cure but to experience the full course of a natural process of being a woman.

After better understanding that it is a natural process we, women must go through, then I am accepting it fully. It is not easy at times.  Each day is different as I maintain my sense of balance no matter what.

 I often think of it as just another human emotion we all must deal with. It's not a bad thing. It's part of life. I can't pretend to be happy and smiling all the time so I deal with it, head on, with my writing about it, today.

Life is a journey of going through the sad days with the joyful days to make it a full life with different seasons in our lives.

At the end of it all, we all must accept life and go with the energy flow as each day appears to us.

And so, I must remind myself and all of you to "BE" with each emotion with a grateful heart, one day at a time. I am grateful for all my emotions today, even the sadness.

With Love & Emotions,
