Monday, July 18, 2011

Occupation: Wife~ Day 12

James and I are settling in nicely in our RV as our summer home.  Even Teddy, our dog has our new routine down. My husband is at work and I am at home, as the “WIFE.” 
The boss with a memo that reads;  “Enjoy and keep it simple!”  
I love my job!  But, it hasn't always been this way…

After my transition, 8 years ago, after marrying Mr. Swasnon, I came into a role of a full time wife, not working outside the home, Boy, did I struggle with my ego! The thought of what society would think of me as not being "productive", not “successful” if I don’t have a title.  I continued to look for work, outside of the home so that I can be “someone” added more stress in my marriage, with looking and complaining to my husband!  He didn't care if I have a job or not. Actualy, he is happier, only if I am happy, doing whatever I want to do or do nothing! 

I had to re-define my happiness without working. Even though, I really have been there, done that and I know I am NOT missing out on anything “out there,” but my ego brought struggles into my marriage over me struggling to get a  job "title" because of my own built-in insecurity as a college graduate and accomplished adult expectations. 

When we were young and we were "supposed" to look for that important "title"  as a college graduate, entering the real world. That has always imprinted on my list of happiness.
Climbed that corporate ladder, checked! 
Be successful and make a lot of money, checked!
Along the way, have a nice family with kids, a big house, live in the right neighborhood with a nice car parked in the driveway, checked!
Look good and successful for others, even get a divorce and fight over all the “stuff” that obviously go with that, checked!

Checked, checked and checked off of my long list!  ...and on the bottom of that list, I was MISERABLE!!!!!     Nowhere, did it say on my ambitious achievements list: Wife!

It’s really not so difference then or still is now at any generation. The details of the “expected” picture maybe a bit different.  We all have gone through it and/or watched someone else in our family going through it, still today. You may even be stuck in this struggle, now!  
Somehow, by the time we graduated from High School, College or even beyond to get our Ph.D, we all have a checklist in our heads that we must have an important title to be happy.

I wonder where that checklist came from for each one of us?

At 45, I finally can say my favorite occupation is being my husband's WIFE!  Yes, God forbids that I dare to admit it out loud!  LOL ha-ha  
Our family is happier because we are willing to live with only one income. Of course, having two incomes allow us to buy and to own more... but... more of what?  
We opted out of having more things and live with less but the rewards have been MORE of everything else that matters! TIME!

Time to be together whenever we can while James works full time for both of us. Otherwise, with both of us working, we felt we would be two ships, passing each other by in our lives! ( I've been here once, too!)

This way of life may not be for everyone and that’s okay! As long as you love who you are and what you do with the time given to each one of us on this earth, that's yours to own! 
This is so happened to be my own most favorite thing to be ~ a full time wife to my husband. 
I am so happy with us and life is good...going on 9 years! :)

I know plenty of people who love to work all the time! I know people who love to chase after the money, the game, or always stay busy, working outside of the home!
I also know plenty of people who hate what they do but do it anyway. It’s not wrong or right; it’s just what we do and each one of us has a CHOICE to do what we want in our lives. We should have no judgment on any occupations or any lifestyles.

We all must live, hopefully with some meanings in our lives that we get to choose. You are 100% responsible for our own life! Also, remember, we only have ONE life, so choose wisely for you!

Until I was okay with myself and at peace to know my worth, regardless whether I have a job or not, I allowed myself to enjoy my favorite occupation that brought me more meanings, happiness, peace and daily joy than anything that I’ve done. Also, it has less stress. I can't claim NO stress because we, like everyone, have issues to worry about in life, in general.

Nowadays, I have fun during small talks when I am being asked, “What do you do?” 
I typically said,  “I am a full-time wife!” They normally react to that answer like that’s not considered a real job or significant enough. 
But of late, I have been answering the same question with,  “Oh, I am a kept woman!” and “I love, love my job!”  Than,  I sit back, smile and enjoy the reactions to that answer! :)

I love BEING my James’ wife. That is a BIG difference!

Like being in any position in your job or life, being with the right company or people, you know there is a difference in the joy of being there everyday or once in awhile!   Many people don’t like to be a wife or a husband to the wrong person much as if you are with the wrong employers! 

The main point I want to say today is... No matter what your occupation is, if you love being who you are and with your life, and NOT with the title of what you “do” to define you ( ego talking here).
Your true happiness is about being just YOU! :)

The world needs MORE HAPPY people on this earth than not! So be happy being YOU, no matter what title you have or don’t have. 

It's a world-wide effect! The people around you are happier because you transfer your joyful vibes out in to the world and all around you .  We can feel your positive energy! Especially your family!

Your happiness is important to everyone... from strangers, co-workers, and especially your loved ones! 
The Universe is happier when YOU are happy! :)

(Yes, this is really my legal car tag!)

With Love & Light,


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