Friday, August 6, 2021

Day 8: Life lessons at camp...

I just finished feeding the kids and waiting to have a quiet lunch with Grandpa when he gets back from the laundry mat. Of course, our washing machine broke during the grandkids visit with the most laundry to do. 
Yup! That's Murphy's law.

Little things like that make us appreciate the conveniences of life's comfort here in America. I look forward to blog or journal my thoughts to be centered right now to chat with you.

While I was feeding the kids this week, I get many comments of what they like and dislike. Mostly good healthy food is not on their most favorites list. hahaha 

Sounds familiar?

So typical of many kids. I've learned not every kid likes hot dogs or watermelon in the summer. Really? 


So packing for our camping trip was to cover all bases to cater to our little precious ones with their preferences during their summer time with us.

Some like hot dogs, others don't but ALL of them like hamburgers!!!

As an Asian "Nana" who didn't grow up with the traditions,  hot dogs and hamburgers are not my specialities! 

 As my American parents tried to introduce all the All-American traditions to me long ago , I still personally don't eat hot dogs or hamburger to be an expert on these favorite dishes during our camping trip, still today.

Grandpa is the hero in the hot dogs and S'mores dept on the first night. 

Yeah! A break for Nana on the first night from cooking.

I enjoyed watching the All- American camping fun around the camp fire. 

I adore the children's chatters with their burning hot dogs and s'mores around the camp fire.

A fun dinner for all and they are so willing to do their own dinner and especially s'mores too. 

What a great classic all-American camping dinner memories!! PRICELESS!

The second night, we had hamburgers. Our grill was out of order... another Murphy's Law.

So I used the RV's kitchen on burner & in the skillet to cook the burgers. 

I bought the premium "Angus steak burger" patties for a better quality of meat. 

I asked how many burgers should I cook? 

How many can you eat? 

All said, 2 each. WOW! 

This crowd was a hungry crow. Our littlest wanted hot dog again so that was easy to make her a happy camper.

I cooked 8 hamburger patties for all (the grandparents are vegan) from my RV kitchen and handed to Grandpa outside for their hamburger fixings with hot fresh french fries from my air fryer. 

I holler out to see if every thing is ok with the burgers. Do you need Nana to cook more if it's still pink? No further requests and heard they liked them. 

So...the chef was done and pleased to hear from my hot kitchen.

Later, I heard Grandpa found half a hamburger patty in the trash can and another hardly touched hamburger was also in the trash. What?

He asked who threw the good food in the trash? NO one was willing to fess up!. 

Grandpas decided that no S'mores for everyone until someone or someones can tell the truth.

SO...We had our own little camping LIFE LESSON to learn to be HONEST on this particular trip!

The group of our precious 5 kids huddled together to find out who will fess up so they all can have their s'mores for tonight. We even encourage them that the truth is very important and they will not be in trouble by being honest but no one will come forth. 

It was so interesting to see the whole group's discussion about it because delicious s'more treats was on the line for everyone. This is pretty straight forward scenario we thought, for the guilty party or parties will to do the right thing. 

Everyone was so supportive of each other to find the truth and not being in trouble with the grandparents so everyone can have their s'mores together. BUT... sadly that wasn't the case on this camping trip

Hmmmm.... We were perplexed as to why.

After few hours, Grandpa made a hint that there may be two people that need to fess up.

Finally, one admitted with tears of remorse in his eyes and he admitted it was his 

BUT.. the second burger hardly touched burger wasn't his. 

Lesson learned. A lesson of telling the truth and being honest was on the line. The second guilty one is still at large... 

THERE WERE NO S'MORES that night. :( 

From these precious 5, there is one that's already learning to hide and to lie?

So young? So soon? So sad... 

Will we ever find out who was the second guilty one! 

How young or old do they learn right and wrong? Not to mention being wasteful.

 It is, not that he/she threw away a good burger , but more importantly to be able to be honest about it instead of being deceitful or being afraid to not tell the truth .  

They all are very good kids.

But this is the biggest life lesson concerning for our younger generation has surfaced.

On the other hand, the good news is the premium quality burgers were saved and appreciated from the trash after all!  Fluffy and Buddy, my fur children also had a great camping dinner that night! Woof woof!

I learned to save some money until they appreciate good food. 

They do like noodles, macaroni & cheese, lunchables and pizzas and lots of sweets.

And so ...they start on the S.A.D  (Standard American Diet) for our younger generations to come?

Lessons for Nana...So much for quality! hahaha 

AND... I understand it's all about fun memories of the camping traditions, more than the quality of food so, its OKAY with me.

In addition to good fun camping memories, they will learn life lessons fondly from the grandparents as they mature with their own memories and consciousness of the person, he/she wants to be...regardless what we try to teach them in their youth. Reality is each child has his/her own journey to build their own character.

We as grandparents are not a full time influencers in their daily upbringing so we just love them and cherish the priceless time when they are with us. 

God knows there will be more life lessons will come in time....

"Bless are the sweet little children"


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Day 7 : Blessings and lessons

After 2 days  RV camping with 5 kids and 2 dogs at an KOA campsite, I am grateful for so many blessings and to take in so many summer memories.  

The parents are coming to pick up the kiddos tomorrow.

It has been a quick but very very busy and EXHAUSTING week!

We couldn't ask for better weather, better campsite space with the playground as our backyard for the kids to come and go, play with more freedom as they pleased.

We watched them and supervised from our campsite. 

Camping meals were fun  with hot dogs by the fire and  hamburger with plenty of S'mores as desserts to keep them happy and energized like the everlasting bunnies! hahaha. 

The kids played so hard and there were plenty of activities from swimming. jumping pillow, hiking trail and even watched a movie in the RV.

So perfect in so may ways and so blessed all around. 

These kids are precious and of course are still learning with adults supervision at all time. I tend to worry about their eating good meals and keeping the campsite tidy, safe with 7 people (little ones tend to trash the place ) and with 2 dogs in our RV. 

It does get crowded and organizing is constantly needed to keep it tidy! Candy wrappers and such will bring bugs and critters out too, not to mention all the dirt from dirty socks and shoes.

Meanwhile, my Husband aka Grandpa is all about fun and keeping the RV in shape to function like a mini house on wheels and to travel! 

Thank goodness for him. If it wasn't for him, we would not even bother to own an RV. lol

Each summer brings so many memories for the children as well the the adults. 

I am new at this Nana thing, especially when they are not mine and dealing with overly concerned parents. How do teachers do this???

The lessons are many for me this summer... Here's one big one. 

Many people thought I was crazy to take on 5 kids under the age of 10 years old, all at once for a week. 

I replied, "I know, I am so stupid and had to learn the hard way!" hahaha 

I've learned NEVER to take on more than I can handle so it has been a learning curve for this Nana for sure. I now know to take one child at a time is a good plan from now on. hahah

I am more aware I don't have the energy. It takes the fun out of it all with a tired and on edge Nana. Grandpa is the biggest kid of them all so it takes its toll on me too. I am more a homebody and less on the go. This week has pushed my envelope to the MAXXX...

I have MORE appreciation for teachers or childcare people to handle as many children as they do all at once . Bless them! 

This is not one of my talents. I am more of a one on one , small scale with little people. hahaha :)

We live and learn every day, don't we?

Well, my quite time is up!

Got to run...


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Day 6: OFF the ROOF

Today, I am an early riser to get my coffee in ... hoping to catch up for yesterday and today! 

Oops! Take that back... I also got 6 early risers too because they are so so excited about our RV camping trip today to the nearest KOA campground.

4 hours later and after breakfast, I am closing my computer and I have to end this entry... hahaha...

Share more later... 

Life is so beautifully full here and the energy level is OFF the ROOF over at the Yellow Cottage Retreat!

We are such blessed grandparents!

Got to run ...


Sunday, August 1, 2021

Day 5: Walmart gets KIDS!!!

Shhhhh.....I am hiding in my office to finish my dinner in peace and to write my Day 5 for few minutes...

 I am actually buying me some quite time to get centered and find my sanity. :) 

The TV is in full blast in the other room , even my fur children are hiding with me in my office while my hubby is cleaning up the kitchen. 

I enjoy the funny comments, laughter and cousins enjoying each other while each grandparent takes turn to cater to them. Grandpa is in charge... there has been 3 requests so far and the night is still young, while I am writing for MORE  popcorn during their cartoon show at 9pm. 

This Grandpa is a fun Grandpa!

OK... I am totally exhausted with 5 grandkids and my older kid aka grandpa. LOL 

And it's just the FIRST full day! Yikes! I am so in trouble...5 more days to go. 

It has been nonstop from morning until bedtime. 

If you don't see me here each day or the quality of my writing sucks, you'll totally get it. hahaha

Let's say, I never got to finish my coffee this morning to prepare waffles for breakfast, 

...then did 7 shirts with a messy tie dye project, ( I don't know what I was thinking to plan this messy activity) lol  

...then lunch, 

...then Walmart trip, 

...then dinner, 

...then, not to mention desserts at Dairy Queen trip in there too!

...then movie time! 

Get the picture????

Well, we are also planning a summer RV camp trip so we needed supplies for camp days... 2 cars full of kids and lots of food to last for few days with a short road trip to Walmart. 

Our Walmart trip was an epic adventure with my gang!  

Just use your imagination shopping with 6 kids at Walmart... Yikes!

I found out "LUNCHABLES" are easy and they like them!!!  Forget about the nuritrious values. hahaha

I am laughing and crying at the same time to myself about all the summer fun here. At least, I a get a break in the kitchen with "lunchables"

And...the fun memories will be worth it for them one day we hope! :)

You never know what each grandchild will remember...

For adults, it's all about giving them the best opportunity to have happier times in their childhood with their grandparents. 

By doing so, Are we catering too much to them by always trying the "entertain" them?  

What ever happened to the good old fashioned way of just being together to chat and share stories?

I remember playing with rocks as my entertainment. hahaha. 

It's a different world now.

Nevertheless, it has been a very full Sunday Funday for us all! We are so grateful and blessed

And ...I am too tired to even write.... catch up with you, hopefully sooner or later,

Life is way too full here and we are so blessed , indeed! :)

"Bless are the sweet little children..."

Good night,
