Saturday, July 31, 2021

Day 4: I am lost for words on this subject.

Today, I had a friendly chat with a friend that gave me goose bumps to share in my writing...

She said, you know that we all are in the midst of a Spiritual War globally right now?

Omgosh....This makes so much sense to me and gave me more insights since we all have been trying to understand the chaos happening around the world. Covid is the first greatest fear globally.

Not to mention so many more issues that are dividing each other from one another. 

The basic values of "be kind", share love , not hate",  "all lives matter , " etc have become an everyday reminder to us all to simply be kind good human beings. There are so many negative vibrations out there in the world right now.

Can't you feel it? I can feel it in my soul. 

I no longer listen to mainstream news or be a part of the band wagon of negativities.

My soul has been at war, internally from within while seeking for positive lights to make some sense of the world around me.

Am I the only one to feel this way? Do you feel it too?

Each day, I am consciously feeding my mind, spirit and soul with positive soul food with love & light.

I practice being grateful as the medicine that will cure the negative thoughts and send out only positive energy into our Universe. It is my way to do my part. Radiate your own positive energy out to attract other positive energy .

Interesting enough, my husband & I've made a commitment to read the Bible , chronologically every day since January 1, 2021. We have not missed a day. 

This discipline has brought such comfort and soul food to us. Especially to me as I am a sensitive soul to feel other vibrations around me. I am also in a fast track growth mindset with varies studies from coaches.

I am still a newbie to understand everything we read in the Bible but each day I pray to be filled with God's understand and not of my own. 

Another discipline that is helping me. Being grateful and prayers are my cures to counter and/or shake off any negative energy comes to me. It works!

I am so open for God's guidance to lead me to a better place within Him when the world is in chaos.

While I learn from varies coaches and reading many motivational and inspirational books in my growth mode, all messages and books kept leading me back to the only ONE BOOK for me to study.

 The Bible...

We are currently in the Old Testament in the Bible right now. As we read the Bible of many stories from thousands and thousands of years before us, we can't help to see the same evilness and the wicked ways are happening in our world right now.

There are so much FEAR in all the news and HATE among each other.

YES... it is indeed a Spiritual war with "Fear-Based vs Faith-Based " in everything that we do each day.

Will you let FEAR be stronger than your FAITH to seek GOD?

I am lost for words on this subject. No need to say more but to pray more!

I pray that we as individuals, as a nation and as humanity will not let our FEAR be greater than our FAITH in GOD.

May God guide and bless us always,


Friday, July 30, 2021

Day 3: Simple Joy


Hello friends,

Summer is a such busy time for all of us. 

Especially, when your husband has 8 grandkids coming to us to make special memories all summer long. What a blessing!

I looking forward to find a quite moment in the midst of getting ready for 5 more grandkids coming our way. I like having this challenge to take a "pause" for me.

 I never know what my heart wants to write. 

Well... right now it is all about the fun activities in my head to plan for them. There will be 5 grandchildren from age 4 to 9 years old to make memories with. How crazy fun that will be...

I had the simply joy of getting this playhouse ready for them today!

Being around children allow us to be a kid again. 

To dream, to laugh, to be silly and be creative with our imagination. They hold a magic that we wished as adults know how to keep it forever. 

There is a sense of simple pure joy in children!

I never had a "normal" childhood so I get to play again with them and spark that joy again. I just love their pure hearts, honesty and curiosity.  

My dream is for us to create a magical place for them to visit us at our Yellow Cottage Retreat as the grandparents. We adults tend to forget how to dream. But guess what... that kid in all of us will scream back at you ... if you're lucky! I am able to dream again and it feels so good to be living my dream.

My dream is to create a happy charming getaway for families to visit and we will extend it to our airbnb guests in the next few years. I hang on to this sweet childhood dream of mine to keep me inspired.

What keep you inspired?

This dream gives me a compelling future to look forward... not looking back with regrets of the past.  Each day, I am creating a piece at a time to add to that dream. And... the sweetest part is that  I can add to it, adjust it and change it as I would like it on my canvas of life. I am my own artist with my own life.

Living my dream is simply making this sweet heart wreath and getting their playhouse ready to welcome all the grandkids. 

That joy is a part of the journey of my dream today. 

It doesn't have to be big or grand. It just has to touch a happy place in your heart to smile and be grateful for the joy of it. It's in the little things that matter most to the soul. It's definitely not the big house, the fancy car or a pile of money in the bank . 

Remember, you can't take all that "stuff" with you.

So, if it doesn't spark that child inside of you, it's time for you to go find it again!

Have a fun weekend filled with laughter, everyone!



Thursday, July 29, 2021

Day 2: So, one day she said, NO MORE!

Hello friends,

Where have I been? 

I have been in the "desert" for the last 5 years to reach to a happier place in my life today. It hasn't been easy but I realized that only by LIVING through the tough times that you appreciate the good times more.

Today, I am more grateful for more good days. I was struggling through my new stage in life as a woman going through all the changes with hormones as a natural stage of "menopause" concurrently entering into a new phase of my life turning 50. It was and still is a new decade to embrace, accept and celebrate.

Admittedly, I was a slow learner on my own. It has taken me 5 years to balance my life embrace that season of my life and to be able to grow again. I am now in a fast growth mindset to begin to SHIFT what didn't work for me to get here and now. 

I had to reach a painful place the MAKE A CHANGE. I realized only I can make that CHANGE. 

I no longer wait for my husband, wait for my family, wait for the world around me to CHANGE. 

It is ME who has to CHANGE first before anything else can change. Understand this is simple but doing it is not easy when you feel you are all alone with your inner battle no one could possibly understand.

Honestly, it was a false sense of pride, that I was embarrassed to let people see my weaknesses and the images they hold of me to let go of my automatic smiles on my face to cover the pain. 

Being real is a very vulnerable place in this superficial social media world we live in today. While my life seems perfect outwardly in every way, I didn't feel that way at all inside. 

It took 2020 with Covid-19 to awaken me and many others to SLOW DOWN the world, to reflect what's life real meaning for each person.  For me, seeking for inner soul peace to be happy with myself no matter what circumstances in life are happening around me.

I reached out for help with many different forms of support and coaching. I welcomed help from friends, professionals, and others who are kindred spirits into my world to share & support on this similar journey. There are more women and men on the same path than you realize. I didn't feel alone anymore.

I also learned that not everyone is the right support for me and I had to learn to walk away from them to be able to rebuild my inner strength to create the life I would love no matter how I feel each day or , or, or... We all tend to have many excuses to make a change.

With baby steps, I began slowly, allowing myself to play, create, dream, and smile from the inside again...

I had to rebuild my self-esteem from the ground up and... this journey is still ongoing today and for the rest of my life!

Like a garden and I am a gardener to understand this but I need to be reminded! It is a law of nature. 

What you sow, you reap and there are different seasons in the cycle of life to learn to adapt to the constant changes of life, coming to you each day.

Growth happens each day, slowly and surely with little or big progress when we nurture it.

My soul is the only plant that is truly mine and that is my sole responsibility that I must nurture with goodness each day with my positive thoughts and with positive actions to be able to bloom. 

My biggest growth is to be 100% responsible for MY thoughts! ( Negative thoughts)

It's my thoughts, my choices, and my actions to make minor shifts each moment constantly.

Yes, it's hard work and a full-time job to pay attention to your own negative thoughts and your own negative words in your head to make real changes. 

My hardest practice is to give "attention" to noticing my negative thought and change it to positive thoughts immediately first and foremost in my conscious and subconscious minds! 

Yes, you and I will do this at least a zillion times a day with our constant chatter in our minds.

Being mindful is the first practice I had to learn again and again and again each day.

Up until now, my mind was cluttered with old stuff of the past, all the negative thoughts and negative beliefs of myself. I thought negatively, as less than or unworthy and the people around me were uncaring and abusive as my past experiences. 

So, one day I said, NO MORE! 

I took a stand for that scared little orphan girl who was still in my dark attic. 

I, the adult version of myself had to step up to take full responsibility for every negative thought, for every negative feeling from that inner frightened child. I gently and lovingly took her hands in mine to be brave again, trust again and know she has better options and that she no longer has to hide or live a limited life in that dark attic. 

The first step was the hardest. 

There were days, I tend to run back to what is familiar, even back into the most undesirable place than to face her greater fear of the unknown to change.

I didn't realize my own power yet and that I hold the key to unlock it all along!

You hold the key to unlock it and free yourself. No one can do it for you.

Just accept and be OK that it is a lifetime process and take it one day at a time!

You will not be perfect at it at first but allow yourself to practice it, making these little shifts imperfectly to nurture your mindset to be stronger. 

It's a new discipline. Be kind to yourself to practice and don't give up on yourself.

Is your past, old negative self still sentencing you to stay there in the dark attic today? 

So today, if you are still in your own dark attic, be brave and open that door and ask yourself where would you love to go from here? 

What would you love for yourself at this very moment? 

God Bless you always,



Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Day 1: I am BACK!

Hello Again,

It has been 5 years since my last entry.

Wow! Time flies and much of life has happened since.

I was cleaning up my old computer and found my old blog page " One Day At A Time" again.

With my soul sister, Kathleen, we decided to support each other and to discipline ourselves to get back to writing from the heart again with our 100 days writing challenge to accomplish this together. 

Day 1 is all about a new start for me and to commit to this challenge by "just do it" and take the first step to write. Nothing happens if we don't ACT on it. 

I often remind myself so not to be overwhelmed in any challenges is to take it day at a time. 

I am so grateful I still own this perfect blog name for me since I've been dormant for so long. 

Google still remembers me! :) Thank you, Google.

There is a saying, you are never too old or too late to start a new dream or a new goal. 

Here I am at 55, I am beginning again... And that's OK too. Everyday is a fresh start in any areas of your life you want to improve, grow and change. It only takes YOU to begin with your first step. No one else can do it for you! 

I know the real personal rewards will be amazing as I write down my thoughts on any topics with no restrictions as life comes to me , thru me and as me to share.

It will not only to help me discover who I am each new day as I grow but I pray my words & sharing will help, comfort and inspire others to know they are not alone in this journey of life. We all are connected.

Like you, I am a different person from 5 years ago and even from yesterday. Everyday is a new day and we get to create and/or recreate the person we want to be and live the life we love. It's never too late unless we limit ourselves to believe that.  Remember, 50s is the new 30s so we have many more years of life ahead :)

I am so grateful each morning that God has given me another day to live and love my life. 

Yes, I am still growing, learning and continuously discovering many more dimensions of who I am as you are. Let's never stop growing... together!

What would you love to create in your life TODAY?

God bless you all,
