As much as we are together as traveling buddies for 9 years now, he has found his favorite traveling spot. It's between my legs! And especially on those long 11 hour trips across four States to be with my Hubby. Yes, Teddy is my best traveling buddy.
..and WHAT were you thinking?
Teddy Ber is STILL my first and true puppy love when I got him in a pet store in Atlanta, Georgia.
He was three months old and he was cutest little thing ever and he still IS...
He was intended to be a Christmas gift for my daughter, Lauren when she was only 6 years old, in 2002.
We needed a LOVER, NOT a fighter, so Teddy helped Mother and Daughter bond better in our divorce split household.
Well, needless to say, Teddy and I became more attached to each other ever since. After I got married to James 6 months later, Teddy still has seniority in the male department at our family. LOL
Teddy soon became a California boy as we trained for half and full Marathons together. He and I went everywhere together. One day during my "short run" training day, Teddy decided he was NOT ready to head home, and instead, darted across the street.
HE GOT HIT by a car!!! He was hit hard, shattering his left front leg, and sustaining a major head injury. I WAS DEVASTED and I was NOT READY to lose him!
My "new" husband of 6 months, James, came to the car with the bad news after talking to the Doctor about Teddy. (I was too upset to be inside or have any discussions with the Vet. )
The Doctor had evaluated Teddy's injuries. It was going to take several thousand dollars to operate on his leg, installing plates and screws to put it back together, and nurse him through recovery in an Animal Hospital. There were no guarantees he would ever have full use of his leg. On top of that, the doctor went on to say that even if he survived the surgery, a week from now he could suddenly fall over dead due to his severe head injury.
My ever practical James thought through the doctor's assessment and decided with all the unknowns; the cost, the unknown quality of life Teddy would have IF he survived, and the real possibility he would die AFTER an expensive surgery ordeal, it was clear that it was time to put the dog to sleep.
Of course, using logic with a hysterical wife would be a tricky affair, to say the least.
As I look back now, I can see the humor in James's predicament. How was he going to tell me, who was so attached to her little fluffy white bundle of joy, that we needed to put him to sleep. It would be best for all concerned.
Sooooo, with very carefully chosen words, he talks about what a good life Teddy has had, how he loves to run and chase around the yard on all FOUR legs, and how hard it would be for Teddy if he couldn't fully use his leg, and that maybe with the money it would cost for a risky surgery, we would be better off if we,...
At that point, I think my husband would have paid thousands of dollars if he could have retracted what he just said. But it was too late. The words had been spoken. My new husband wanted to KILL my dog, at least that is what this little Asian firecracker of a wife just heard.
Needless to say, James didn't have the heart to put him down after that!
SO YES, we have a "six million dollar" dog in the family in order to keep my BEST FRIEND alive. :) The surgery went well, he mended well, and to this day, Teddy has enjoyed a wonderful doggy life with me and my Hubby. Of course, my husband has never been able to live down the "dog killer" legacy that he started 7 years ago as a logical, practical man.
Tomorrow, Teddy is having another surgery to remove the metal plate & bolts in his front paw that have worked themselves loose, creating daily pain when he walks with me. :(
And don't worry, James is 100% for the surgery, no matter the risks or the chances for success.
I just can't amagine living without my best traveling buddy!
So, IF my Teddy Ber likes to sleep between my legs to keep me company when I drive, he can be there! :)
With Love & Teddy Ber,