Do you know of someone in your family or in your circle of friends, even in a situation, where you know there will be A LOT of DRAMA, if you go there?
Of course, we all do! There is ALWAYS one or two in your circle.
Do you have a sign like this on your forehead or not? :)
If you don't, dramas will come in your life and feed off of you and suck all the LIFE out of you! True? We all have been there!
Ever had a relationship, family, divorce, co workers etc...
I, personally have become good at staying away from dramas and will NOT allow it anymore to keep my life happy & healthy! Of course, you want to give support, love & prayers to your friends & family!
I've learned to have a sign on my forehead that reads, No Drama Zone, to keep all that daily dramas away from my peaceful world.
There is a balance of being compassionate for your family & friends with their life circumstances. But there is ALSO a MUST to have "self- peace preservation" boundaries to know when it is ENOUGH! and just say NO to getting involved!
I've learned to say NO many times or make clear to NOT get involved to keep my "No Drama Zone" manageable in my life while I can be compassionate for others. It's not that you are mean or selfish for doing that. You just have clear boundaries for yourself. If others don't understand that, they are too busy being IN IT~"the dramas" to see why. All you can do is make a choice for yourself.
Whatever you are dealing with currently or for a while now, I hope you will asset the situation today and see if you or the other person(s) is adding MORE drama into a situation that is not helping it or it doesn't give you peace of mind because of it.
Foremost, look in the mirror, real hard & brutally honest, to see if that's not YOU, who is adding the additional dramas, please! :) You know who you are!
If so, you have the right and the choice to ~ STOP! ~ The drama before it starts!
We all wished there is a clear sign warning like this one before we get there, or when it sucks you in! Yikes! :)
This is my thought to share with you, today ! :)
With Love & NO Drama!