Thursday, July 7, 2011

The first day...Day 1

I decided to start a blog today! It's a good day as any to START! :)

This is my chosen place where I can write down my random thoughts & share with the world out there in cyberspace as my platform. Somewhere these thoughts may become meaningful for someone at the right time, at the right junction in life, when & where he/she needed most.

Selfishly, I must admit it allows me to do my part to give back of myself to humanity, to my fellow sisters & brothers. I am just like you with a journey to live, to express and to make a difference in a small way by "sharing".

Why I named my personal blog, "One Day at a Time"? Because, I totally think it's so appropriate to LIFE and I have a little story to share about this title!

I love to stroll through anitque shops whenever I can.   So on just an ordinary day with time to stroll, I found an old picture hidden in a corner that spoke to me so profoundly... I think I bought it for $2.00 and took it home to remind me to take "one day at a time" ever since.
It has been a priceless reminder to me each day and I would like to share it with you here...

"One Day At A Time"
Help me believe in what I could be and all that I am.
Show me the stairway I have to climb.
Lord, for my sake, teach me to take one day at a time.
~Jamie Carter~

It's only appropraite that I  start with this beautiful simple thought to begin my journey in blogging and sharing with you today...

I hope you will follow my blog and check in from time to time to read my posts on random LIFE subjects, honoring your "One Day at a Time" in your own journey. I hope you will feel safe & appreciated here to share your  own thoughts, comments and add your positive energy to add to someone else's day.

My utmost wish is that you will walk away with a nugget or two to inspire you or to just put a smile in your day to LIVE "One Day at a Time" in your journey as well...

So, let's take this journey together,  one day at a time.... Shall we??? :)

With love & light,


  1. Thanks Hai! I am both inspired and smiling! Looking forward to reading more!


  2. Thank you, Alice!
    My personal commitment is to give back in this way for the next 100days entries and beyond to do what you just wrote.:) Keep reading... It's real, it's life ~ it's real life is what I will be sharing...


  3. Thought of the song:

    One day at a time sweet Jesus
    That's all I'm asking from you.
    Just give me the strength
    To do everyday what I have to do.
    Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
    And tomorrow may never be mine.
    Lord help me today, show me the way
    One day at a time.

    I remember it with a real country twang!
    Thanks for sharing your blog, Hai.
    Best wishes, Chris

  4. Love that song so much... Good luck and thanks for sharing yourself with us...

  5. You are a great writer! Keep up the great work, one day at a time!

  6. Love, love, love that song too, Chris!:)
    Thanks for those words to remember by in my blog and to ask the Lord daily to help show us all the way,... one day at a time..... Hugs

  7. John, Dear...
    Thank you for your support & encouragement! I know how wonderful it was to write my first book to heal all wounds,( In The Arms of Grace, 2003) with your love, support, energy & vibration added to it. :) I am forever grateful for our friendship! It has taken me this long to follow up to share my second series "cyberspace" book version of "In The Arms of Love" but with a current life appropriate title of "One day At A Time" using today's social media blogging instead. :) It's so good to have your encouragement, love & vibration again, one day at a time, here! Love, Hai
