Saturday, July 31, 2021

Day 4: I am lost for words on this subject.

Today, I had a friendly chat with a friend that gave me goose bumps to share in my writing...

She said, you know that we all are in the midst of a Spiritual War globally right now?

Omgosh....This makes so much sense to me and gave me more insights since we all have been trying to understand the chaos happening around the world. Covid is the first greatest fear globally.

Not to mention so many more issues that are dividing each other from one another. 

The basic values of "be kind", share love , not hate",  "all lives matter , " etc have become an everyday reminder to us all to simply be kind good human beings. There are so many negative vibrations out there in the world right now.

Can't you feel it? I can feel it in my soul. 

I no longer listen to mainstream news or be a part of the band wagon of negativities.

My soul has been at war, internally from within while seeking for positive lights to make some sense of the world around me.

Am I the only one to feel this way? Do you feel it too?

Each day, I am consciously feeding my mind, spirit and soul with positive soul food with love & light.

I practice being grateful as the medicine that will cure the negative thoughts and send out only positive energy into our Universe. It is my way to do my part. Radiate your own positive energy out to attract other positive energy .

Interesting enough, my husband & I've made a commitment to read the Bible , chronologically every day since January 1, 2021. We have not missed a day. 

This discipline has brought such comfort and soul food to us. Especially to me as I am a sensitive soul to feel other vibrations around me. I am also in a fast track growth mindset with varies studies from coaches.

I am still a newbie to understand everything we read in the Bible but each day I pray to be filled with God's understand and not of my own. 

Another discipline that is helping me. Being grateful and prayers are my cures to counter and/or shake off any negative energy comes to me. It works!

I am so open for God's guidance to lead me to a better place within Him when the world is in chaos.

While I learn from varies coaches and reading many motivational and inspirational books in my growth mode, all messages and books kept leading me back to the only ONE BOOK for me to study.

 The Bible...

We are currently in the Old Testament in the Bible right now. As we read the Bible of many stories from thousands and thousands of years before us, we can't help to see the same evilness and the wicked ways are happening in our world right now.

There are so much FEAR in all the news and HATE among each other.

YES... it is indeed a Spiritual war with "Fear-Based vs Faith-Based " in everything that we do each day.

Will you let FEAR be stronger than your FAITH to seek GOD?

I am lost for words on this subject. No need to say more but to pray more!

I pray that we as individuals, as a nation and as humanity will not let our FEAR be greater than our FAITH in GOD.

May God guide and bless us always,


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