Monday, September 12, 2011

It's a Colorful Monday~ Day 68

Happy Monday, already!  Let's get it started!
So, just color me with "HAPPYNESS" today, please! :)

Our colorful cottage of "happyness"
Painting has never been my strong suit but it is more fun to have the results in seeing my favorite colors be a part of our world.  This was my painting weekend ( more painting to finish but that's for another weekend with my hubby.)

 I am not afraid to live with bright colors! And thank goodness, James and I mutually like and enjoy bright colors in our world, together! :)

We get to create our own surroundings! Why not surround yourself in your favorite colors of "HAPPYNESS, today!"

I am excited to step out onto this, on this Monday morning! Yup!... it's gonna be a colorful day, indeed! :)

With Love & Colors,
