Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our Back Yard ~ Day 41

It's late and I'm tired after our typical vacation play day.  So tonight's blog is being told with pictures instead of words.  Enjoy a day in Vermilion, a small lake side community near where we live.

Our daily vacation walk in our nearby town...Vermilion, Ohio
He is thinking "Is it a crime to sail away forever in someone elses sail boat?"

"Yep."  Better move on before he gets in trouble.

Only in America

The perfect back yard

Sooooo many boats, so little time,...or so says my husband.

My favorite boat.  Gotta be the shoes.

Beauty all around the Vermilion Yacht Club.  Note the look of envy on my husbands face.

Just another pretty garden in the never ending neighborhood of lake side cottages.

Can you smell the heavenly delight?

The red lawn chair is a nice touch.  Of course, the fence tells me that I better not sit in the nice red lawn chair.

Nick nacks and flowers.  Two of my favorite things!

The shadows are getting long and Teddy is leading the way back home.  It was a good finish to a beautiful day.
So there you have it.  The end of our daily vacation walk, and tonight we decided to explore Vermilion, Ohio.  Hope you enjoyed the journey as much as we did.

With Love & Gardens,


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful town and beautiful photos! I LOVE marinas.
